Cutltural changes
Cutural changes part 2
Print: Audience needs and lifestyles
Is the internet killing the newspaper?
The change from paper to electronic.
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Newspaper titles |
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How newspapers have changed? |
When newspapers where first introduced it was the only way to hear about world issues other than the radio. So consumers had a much different experience to what they do now, it was exciting and new. Now because of modern technology we have news programmes and magazines, so newspapers really aren't as necessary any more Especially with online newspapers, it has changed the way we consumer them as we have a different appreciation now. But even before the internet changed things, newspapers were already having a different future ahead. This was due to the demand for supplements such as food, culture, travel, film, art, sport etc. These are all features that didn't use to be around this is where times have changed, and improvements have made. They have also created magazine inserts and made education a key feature, especially since the 80's/90's. This focus was to draw in a certain kind of audience and make it specific for them, this is why various newspapers have different target markets. Like working class, business class, lower class, upper class etc. To expand more in the early 80's Sunday supplements becoming popular. Supplements were aimed at niche audiences for example U is a woman's magazine that comes in the mail on sunday. Supplements began in categories like woman's interests, sport and entertainment then spread to cover other niche areas of interest like gardening, property, cuisine and today there are large numbers of different kinds of supplements to cater for a wide range of different niche readership audiences. Famous supplements today include The Times 'literacy supplement', 'education supplement', The Guardian 'the week',
Short video on the history of the newspaper, in brief detail:
Short video on the history of the newspaper, in brief detail:
However there is much more that changed in modern times to time overall. As I mentioned the use of supplements but there were also other benefitting factors. They was also the use of advertising, especially businesses who could promote themselves in an article. This was seen as exciting and new, and great way to get yourself known. Especially when there are events on as organisations actually use it as its main form of awareness. Therefore not has the newspapers changed in appearance and style etc, it has also had its role changed. Instead of just keeping people informed on world issues and local issues. It helps you with everyday life and jobs, obituaries therefore grief, even as simple as letting you know what there is for you to do locally.
This may be Australia but newspapers have changed all over the world in modern times, so here are people's opinions on how the newspaper's role has changed:
Paper printed news
This may be Australia but newspapers have changed all over the world in modern times, so here are people's opinions on how the newspaper's role has changed:
Paper printed news
The type of machinery has changed which has cut costs and made it more efficient in terms of time keeping. Also the amount of ads used has increased changing the layout partly and using up more space. The stories have also got more gripping in terms of a broadsheet, but tabloids have got even more unmeaningful with 70% of their stories being about celebrities, gossip and lifestyle pieces. Here is where most of my information was sourced from, it is a very helpful link:
Producers and consumers
Newspapers have become a lot less official and more layed back which is due to the times we live in, and our interests. But this is also down to the editors choice or producer. They decide which articles should be printed and chucked. But their first concern is printing what consumers or readers will read. This is where readers have also changed as the age range for those who read newspapers is mostly those over 18. But some teenagers do still read newspapers but personally I use it mostly for arts and crafts. My news comes from the internet or TV and I am a prime example of how readers have changed. As people do not need to read a newspaper to find out the news. Readers use to be given news then they digested it, now it is much more informal.
Online news
Before the internet all news was either from the televison, the radio or the newspaper. But now because all news can be found online we lack the need for a newspaper unless someone does not have a computer. But doing this expanded the news industry so it meant they could compete more with other forms of media. This is also econmical in terms of cost and environment. It is hard to say which form of news is most popular as TV is probably bigger than online, but whether newspapers are then on top I am not too sure. This no longer invites passive reading.
'Nick Clegg tells colleagues Lords reform is game on' this is an example of a political story on the Guardian.
Changes to newspapers are also things such as comment boxes which you can get more commonly online, and also putting readers in active discussion.
Audience needs and lifestyles
Print: Advances in technology
Print: Cultural changes
Print: Multinationalism
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